Anthoni Signature is a handwritten signature script with a natural & stylish flow. This collection of scripts is perfect for personal branding.
Anthoni Signature Font is perfect for many different project such as logos & branding, invitation, stationery, wedding designs, social media posts, advertisements, product packaging, product designs, label, photography, watermark, special events or anything.
What's Included :
- Ton of glyphs (include Uppercase, Lowercase, Numerals & Punctuations, Ligature, Alternate, and Swashes)
- Bonuses 6 Premade Signature Logo
- Works on PC & Mac
- Simple installations
- Accessible in the Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, even work on Microsoft Word.
- PUA Encoded Characters - Fully accessible without additional design software.
Fonts include Multilingual Support for: Afrikaans, Albanian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, German, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Portugese, Spanisch, Swedish, Zulu
We hope you enjoy the font, please feel free to comment if you have any thoughts or feedback. Or simply send me a PM or email me at Thanks for purchasing and have fun!
Download Asgaard Font Family From Vozzy Introducing a vintage label font named Asgaard. This strong typeface is perfect for lettering on vintage style posters, t-shirts, greeting cards, logos, and more. All capital letters (including multilingual) have alternates. You can see all available characters and styles in the previews. Download Asgaard Font Family From Vozzy Download Now View Gallery