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Download Nutcake CatchWords Font Family From Andinistas

Download Nutcake CatchWords Font Family From Andinistas
Download Nutcake CatchWords Font Family From Andinistas Download Nutcake CatchWords Font Family From Andinistas Download Nutcake CatchWords Font Family From Andinistas

INSPIRED BY THE LOVERS OF LETTERS AND ANCIENT ANIMATED DRAWINGS: We present one of our most desired typographical tools of 2019: NUTCAKE CATCH-WORDS! Designed and produced by #carlosfabiancg and #a_freitez at different times and places in Venezuela and Colombia. Each word design was like “travel to the old school of hand lettering of 1930” due to the number of options and alternatives we discarded to solidify meticulous researches and Bezier drawings, based on analysis and synthesis of empty and full calligraphy, first done with a round brush and then perfected with pencil and paper. For this reason, each NUTCAKE CATCH-WORDS design contains a high dose of cursive expressiveness, apparently handwritten, and that is why our customers can take advantage of more than 160 words compiled in a single OTF file. NOTE: if you need any new word with the NUTCAKE CATCH-WORDS style, please write us and we will gladly design it to include it in your file. Below the list of 160 catch words: and, An, All, As, After, Ante, Avec, Break, Bright, Big, Back, Both, Best, Body, Butter, Breakfast, By, Bajo, Coffe, Café, Closet, Can, Cocktail, Cookies, Custom, Cabe, Con, Contra, Could, Crisp, Candy, City, Chocolate, Chocolat, Come, Del, Don't, Deliver, Desde, Di, Durante, Enjoy, Eat, Example, El, En, Entre, Front, Fire, Free, Fashion, For, Fresh, Friday, Family, Going, Great, Go, Heres, Here, Hand, Hacia, Hasta, Have, I'm, It’s, Imagine, It, Join, Just, Jam, Kitchen, Kiss, Know, Keep, Like, Life, Lady, La, Las, Les, Los, Le, Love, Money, More, Master, My, Mediante, Now, now, New, new, next, nuevo, nueva, Off, out, ofertas, oferta, offer, offers, Please, Para, Per, Page, Quality, Queen, Question, Valley, Queso, Right, Road, Save, See, Show, Something, So, Según, Sin, So, Sobre, Sale, Shop, Style, Styles, Sweet, Special, To, the, The, Theres, There, To, This, Three, They, That, Tras, Think, Time, Take, Transfer, Until, Vacation, Value, Vote, What, Hats, With, Welcome, Which, You, Y, You're, you, Zip, Zoom, Zombie.

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