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Download Stylish Classy Font Family From Azetype

Download Stylish Classy Font Family From Azetype
Download Stylish Classy Font Family From Azetype Download Stylish Classy Font Family From Azetype Download Stylish Classy Font Family From Azetype

Have you ever used a handwritten font on your design project? Have you ever felt bored or dissatisfied with its glyphs style that looks stiff and doesn't flow even doesn't really characterize the peculiarities of a handwritten font? Or fonts that don't have alternative glyphs so they look monotonous in a word or even sentence. And in the end, it makes your projects so far from your expectations, even your clients. It's so frustrating, isn't it? Just wake up from your dissatisfaction and this is your time to make a good choice for your design project. So, we have a solution to fix it. We introduce 'Stylish Classy' just for you. This is a font that really characterizes from the handwritten style. This font is crafted carefully in every its single scratch, created to look as close to a natural handwritten script so that it can create the perfect combination on each glyph. When we make this font, we really want to create a touch that is so free-flowing that it gives a natural impression on its use later. For example, if you want letter 's' that has a flow sketch with letter 't', you can find it in 'st' ligature glyph. So if you really want a so natural and flowing touch in your project, Stylish Classy Font gives you 210 Natural Ligatures ( combining of two or more letters in a glyph ), Two Alternates, and Slant Version. Stylish Classy is a fashionable handwritten script font and obviously it's so Stylish and Classy :) Stylish Classy Font offers beautiful typographic harmony for your design projects diversity e.g. logos & branding, wedding designs, social media posts, advertisements, product designs, quotes, watermark, photography, poster design, magazine, stationery, or simply as a stylish text overlay to any background image. - Included Languages support: Afrikaans, Albanian, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, German, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Norwegian, Malay, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Zulu. - All Natural Ligatures (210 Glyphs): Bh Cl Cr Cs Ct Cy Hy Jh Ji Kh Kl Lo My Mrs Mr Mt Si Sl Sp Sp St St1 St2 St3 Ul1 Un1 Ut1 Ul Un Ut Wh Yo aa ab ab1 ab2 ak1 all ant app arr art ask ast at at2 at3 at4 att af ah aj ak ak1 al al1 an ap ap ar av bb1 bb cc ch ck co ct dd ever ee1 ee2 ent er1 err ett ee ek el en er es et ff1 ff2 ful ff fi gg1 gh gh2 ght gn1 gf gg gh gi gl gn hh ight ill1 ill2 it's itt1 if1 ill ion ism it1 it2 ith itt ity if ii il it jj1 jj kk ll1 ll2 la lh ll most nt oll on2 on1 op1 ops or1 orr oth ous of oh ok ol om on oo op or ot ow ox oz ph pp pt rk1 rta rk rr rt sl1 sl2 sl3 ss1 ss2 st1 st2 st3 st4 st5 st sh si sl sp ss st the tt1 tt2 th to tt tv ty ull ure ut1 ut2 ut3 us ut ve vs wh wt yl1 yl2 yl3 you yr yr2 yl yn yr mm1 mm2 mm3 mm ms nn1 nn -Swash on pictures are not included

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